The Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU!) Program provides information and guidance to youth ages 16-24 on In-demand careers throughout the Coastal Bend and allows Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) youth program participants to experience these careers through on-going, meaningful career exploration and subsidized employment activities. These activities are designed to immerse youth into the world of work.
Have a Youth Counselor Contact You Today!
All youth in the WFSCB program have access to Career and education counseling, resume building, interview coaching, job referrals, and other services that support youth in gaining employment. Speak to a Youth Counselor today for more information about these and many other Youth Services and Programs. Contact a Youth Counselor near you today.

General Services
Services provided to program participants include the following:
- Local Labor Market Intelligence
- Informative Workshops
- Financial Aid Guidance
- Alternative Education Options
- Referrals to Community Partners
- Career Exploration Activities
- Employment Tools
- Financial Literacy
Continual Programs
Student HireAbility Program
Develops and coordinates events, campaigns, and other activities to increase awareness of access to pre-employment transition services provided by Local Vocational Rehabilitation Services, School Districts, Education Service Centers, Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend Programs, Community Partners and other resources.
Builds partnerships to develop work-based learning opportunities for students with disabilities, including internships, summer employment, other employment opportunities available throughout the school year and apprenticeships.
Organizes events and activities to increase employers’ understanding of the abilities of students with disabilities between the ages of 16-22.
WFSCB BuildEd Entrepreneurship Program
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about starting a business. Entrepreneurship has become an essential skill set to thrive in the modern economy. This career pathway can be harnessed by anyone that has an entrepreneurial mindset and skill set. This 5-week workshop teaches youth interested teaches youth the ins and outs of starting up a business.
WFSCB Out-of-School Youth Program
This program is dedicated to assisting youth with drop-out recovery, vocational training for in-demand jobs, as well as work experience opportunities. Drop-out recovery is about reconnecting youth with their chosen education path, to help them re-start their college journey. We connect youth to partner programs to obtain their GED or Diploma, as well as supporting youth that has attended some college and did not finish. WFSCB has research-based labor market intelligence for in-demand jobs in the coastal bend region. Speak to a workforce professional to qualify eligible out-of-school youth for supportive services and vocational training for in-demand occupations. Paid and unpaid work experience is also available to learn essential skills and employer-driven hard skills, enhancing their marketability to employers.
The Texas Internship Initiative – Emerging Professionals Program
Workforce Solutions Coastal Bend has secured funding for the Texas Internship Initiative (TII) to fund amazing opportunities for our Coastal Bend Youth. In partnership with Education to Employment (E2E), This grant focuses on providing part time paid internships in the Middle-Skill STEM areas of accounting, business management, construction management, engineering, healthcare, and information technology. Participating junior and senior year high school students must pass a dual-credit credit course in order to be placed in an internship with a local business.
Find out how you can become an Emerging Professional!
Are you a high school senior interested in the Emerging Professionals Program? Learn more about this opportunity by visiting E2EPartners.org through the link below.
Summer Programs
Educator Externship
Every summer, WFSCB partnering with Education to Employment hosts the Educator Externship for Middle and High School Educators and Counselors!! This program is for educators to get hands-on experience in high-demand occupations in the region. This one-week career and occupational experience is designed to engage educators in activities geared toward understanding skillsets required for occupations in the Coastal Bend, as well as how to apply them to a classroom curriculum. Educators will also learn how to use Labor Market Information to guide students in career-oriented decision-making.
At the conclusion of the program, educators will use what they have learned to develop lesson plans that will inform, educate, and allow students to experience a myriad of careers.
Summer Earn and Learn
The YOU Learn! Summer Earn & Learn (SEAL) Program serves students with disabilities aged 16-22. Through work-based learning, these young adults will earn a paycheck while learning new skills and gaining professional experience. Employers who participate in SEAL benefit from the addition of engaged and enthusiastic team members.
This opportunity is brought to you by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Workforce Solutions Coastal Bend (WFSCB), and the Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) and works with local employers to create meaningful work experiences. Students participating in SEAL attend work readiness training to prepare them for successful employment. During their work-based learning, students earn a paycheck while acquiring new skills and professional experiences.