Workforce Mobile Unit Calendar

The Mobile Career Center is rolling into your town! Download January's schedule below:

Job Fairs & Hiring Events

Latest Past Events

The Fleet & Family Support Center Career Expo

Kingsville Elks Lodge 1404 S 6th St, Kingsville

Transitioning Service Members, Veterans and their family members who are seeking employment and resources are encouraged to attend this event! With some of the biggest employers in the Coastal Bend attending this event, Veterans can network with employers and gain access to Veteran Services. Employers are eager to meet and network with transitioning military and veterans to share opportunities here in the Coastal Bend.

Texas Conference for Employers

Corpus Christi Airport Hotel & Conference Center 5549 Leopard St., Corpus Christi

Time: TBD TWC’s Office of the Commissioner Representing Employers sponsors the Texas Conference for Employers, a series of employer seminars held each year throughout the state. Employers who attend the seminars learn

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