Disability Resource Directory
2-1-1 Texas
Links to State Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations that offer various disability services/programs within the State of Texas.
Local Disability Resources
B-Line Para-Transit – Corpus Christi
B-Line Para-Transit service is shared ride public transportation for people whose disabilities prevent them from using regular accessible fixed-route service. B-Line is a curb-to-curb transportation service provided to riders who have been determined eligible using the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. People with disabilities who are not prevented from using fixed route bus service by their disability would not qualify for B-Line service.
Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living
A consumer-controlled, non-residential, non-profit and cross-disability oriented, providing core services of information and referral, advocacy, peer counseling, and independent living skills training.
Del Mar College – Services for Students with Disabilities (Access Services)
Del Mar College is an “open door college” to students with disabilities who have a high school diploma or General Education Development Certificate. Students with documented disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Special Services Office on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes.
Goodwill South Texas
Disability Services (DS) is committed to providing Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi student’s with disabilities equal access and opportunity to discover, communicate, and apply knowledge and abilities. We foster a philosophy that encourages independence and assist students in realizing their academic potential. We facilitate the elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers that may encumber the academic success of a student with a disability. Our continued goal is to maintain an accessible community where students are challenged and diversity is celebrated
MHMR of Nueces County
MHMR of Nueces County is a provider of services and supports to individuals with mental illness, mental retardation, developmental disabilities and their families. Our Center also serves as the Mental Health Authority and the Mental Retardation Authority for Nueces County. The Administration Office Building is located at 1630 S. Brownlee Street (at Six Points) in Corpus Christi, Texas 78404. Our business hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind has been changing the lives of individuals who are blind or visually impaired since 1964. Since its humble beginning at a small warehouse on North Mesquite Street in Corpus Christi, the Lighthouse has grown from only three to nearly 200 employees, from a small building to a 70,000 square foot facility on over seven acres, and from providing brooms and mops to providing a series of office products, military supplies, services to government agencies and training opportunities to members of the community who are blind.
Coastal Bend Health Finder Asset Dashboard
Provides an interactive map of Primary Services in the Coastal Bend including: Aging Assistance, Behavioral Health, Career Services, Child/Youth Services, Clothing Assistance, Community Garden, Community Resources, Convenience Store, Counseling and Support, Dental Assistance, Diabetes Education, Family Services, Financial and Social Services, Food Pantry, Grocery, Health and Medical Services, Health Education, Hearing Services, Hospital, Housing Assistance, Medicare and Medicaid, Pregnancy and Parenting, Prescription Assistance, Senior Housing, Shelter, Utility Assistance, Veteran Services & Vision Services.
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center
“The Mission of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center of Corpus Christi is to provide a vital link of resources, services, and advocacy to persons of all ages experiencing hearing loss in a hearing world.
A world of silence does not mean a silent community. “
Texas A & M University – Disability Services
Disability Services (DS) is committed to providing Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi student’s with disabilities equal access and opportunity to discover, communicate, and apply knowledge and abilities. We foster a philosophy that encourages independence and assist students in realizing their academic potential. We facilitate the elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers that may encumber the academic success of a student with a disability. Our continued goal is to maintain an accessible community where students are challenged and diversity is celebrated.
State Disability Resources
Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
The Governor’s Committee recommends changes in disability policies and programs in the areas of accessibility, communication, criminal justice. education, emergency preparedness, employment, health, housing, transportation, and veterans. The committee also supports a network of local committees on people with disabilities, issues awards to promote greater awareness, and promotes compliance with disability related laws.
Office of Disability Employment Policy
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) provides national leadership on disability employment policy by developing and influencing the use of evidence-based disability employment policies and practices, building collaborative partnerships, and delivering authoritative and credible data on employment of people with disabilities.
Southwest ADA Center
A consumer-controlled, non-residential, non-profit and cross-disability oriented, providing core services of information and referral, advocacy, peer counseling, and independent living skills training.
Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services
As of September 1, 2016, programs and services previously administered or delivered by the former Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) have been transferred by the Texas Legislature to the Texas Workforce Commission or the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services provides services for people with disabilities to help them prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in employment.
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs)
Voice/TTY: (800) 949-4232
Web site: www.adata.org
Federally funded centers provide information, training, and technical assistance to employers, people with disabilities, and other entities concerning accommodation, accessibility issues, and ADA information. Texas is in:
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
Texas Center for Disability Studies University of Texas at Austin
Web: http://techaccess.edb.utexas.edu
The national Web site is: www.resna.org
4030 West Braker Lane, Building 2, Suite 220
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: 800.828.7839 (In State)
Phone: 512.232.0740 TTY: 512.232.0762
National Disability Resources
National Resources
ABLEDATA: The National Database of Assistive Technology Information
8630 Fenton St. Suite 930
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice/TTY: (800) 227-0216
Web site: www.abledata.com
A federally-funded project whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment. Their Web site contains a database of 25, 000 products and devices.
National Council on Disability
An independent federal agency committed to disability policy leadership since 1978.
Disability Employment Resources
Ticket to Work
The Ticket to Work is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. If you live in the Coastal Bend would like assistance with this program, please visit https://www.staging.workforcesolutionscb.org/job-seekers/ticket-to-work/ to learn more.
Work in Texas
Work In Texas is the most comprehensive on-line job resource. At Work In Texas you can find a job, find an employee, and find another reason to love Texas.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Accommodation Information:
Voice/TTY: (800) 526-7234
Web site: http://janweb.icdi.wvu.edu
Federally-funded free information and consultation service on job accommodations and related information. JAN also has consultants available by phone.
Disability Advocacy Groups
Disability Rights Texas
Protecting Your Rights. Disability Rights Texas is the protection and advocacy agency for Texans with disabilities. People with disabilities have a right to be included in all aspects of their communities. Our mission is to help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring their full and equal participation in society.
Americans with Disabilities Act – U.S. Department of Justice
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club, or having the car serviced at a local garage.
The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities
Through governmental advocacy, public awareness activities, and professional disability consulting The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities ensures that persons with disabilities may work, live, learn, play and participate fully in the community of their choice.
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs)
Voice/TTY: (800) 949-4232
Web site: www.adata.org
Federally funded centers provide information, training, and technical assistance to employers, people with disabilities, and other entities concerning accommodation, accessibility issues, and ADA information. Texas is in:
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)